Announcing The Professor Jacob Grossberg Studio Art Award - Red Hook Education Foundation

Announcing The Professor Jacob Grossberg Studio Art Award

Beloved Bard Professor Jacob Grossberg, who worked at the college from 1969 through 1998, recently passed away and his wife, Di Baldwin has decided to honor his memory with two awards – one for a graduating Bard student and another for a deserving Red Hook High School senior who will be entering an institution of higher learning to study studio arts. “Jake” adored working with high school students and up until the time of his death was actively mentoring and helping them develop portfolios for college applications. In his memory, Di Baldwin, decided to donate $5,000 to the Red Hook Education Foundation to create The Professor Jacob Grossberg Studio Art Award. Every year for at least the next 10 years, the faculty of the Red Hook High School art department will nominate one student to receive a $500 award.

It is the hope of Di Baldwin that other people who knew Jake will also contribute to this fund so that the award can continue to be awarded beyond the initial ten year period. If anyone would like to help support the The Professor Jacob Grossberg Studio Art Award, please contact RHEF board member Amy Husten at