RHEF Supports Career and College Transitions - Red Hook Education Foundation

RHEF Supports Career and College Transitions

Thanks to the support of our generous community RHEF continues to help fund the work of Career and College Transition Specialist Peg D’Onofrio. In addition to two information-packed seminars on college admissions and financial aid, Ms. D’Onofrio was able to organize field trips to college fairs this fall.

For the last several years the Foundation has supported Career & College Transition, initially by working with community volunteers to stage career and college fairs, and for the last two years by providing funding for programs lead by Career & College Transition Specialist Peg D’Onofrio. In addition to two information-packed seminars on college admissions and financial aid, Ms. D’Onofrio was able to organize field trips to college fairs this fall.

“The buses were sold out so to speak,” says D’Onofrio. “I really believe there were kids (and parents) on those buses that would not typically have engaged in that kind of event. I do think that my position has reached some of those kids who were not considering college and now feel it is an option. It has allowed for more brainstorming and dialogue and parents are more involved in the process because they are able to meet together with me and their son or daughter. I see more students engaged.”

“Thanks to the support of the Red Hook Education Foundation we have made great strides in how we deliver college and career counseling,” says Joe DeCaro, Director of Pupil Personnel Services.

These programs have been so well attended and the feedback from students and parents so outstanding, that RHEF pledged to continue to support Career and College Transition programs at up to $5,000 for the 2014-15 school year.

Previous Career Outreach News

Over the summer of 2013, education foundation volunteers wrote and secured a grant for the school district from the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation The  $5,710 award paid for a college tour for low-income students and parents. “With RHEF’s assistance, I was able to take 12 students and 4 parents on a two-day, five-college tour,” says Career & College Outreach Counselor Peg D’Onofrio. “Students, including sophomores and juniors, were amazed at the opportunities that await them at college and many learned of financial aid rewards that they didn’t know existed. .. Inspiring these students was the goal and, by all accounts, a goal that was overwhelmingly attained.”

This fall, RHEF donated $2,500 to the district to support workshops and information sessions organized by D’Onofrio during the 2013-14 school year. D’Onofrio has been guiding district students working on college selection and application, as well as financial aid and scholarship opportunities. “Thanks to the support of the Red Hook Education Foundation we have made great strides in how we deliver college and career counseling,” says Joe DeCaro, Director of Pupil Personnel Services. “The guidance counselors are also very impressed with the level of service Peg is capable of delivering. I actually get emails form students and parents explaining how helpful she is.”