In 2014, the Red Hook Education Foundation embarked on an initiative to enable the district to build an auditorium. At that point, Red Hook Central School District was the only district in Dutchess County, and one of very few in the state, without one. There had been multiple attempts in the past to get this funded through the annual school vote, but it had been voted down three separate times. In order to take the pulse of the community and to determine if this initiative was worth pursuing, the Foundation conducted an Assessment of Community Interest. The findings indicated that the community held the school district in high regard and felt it merited an auditorium. RHEF worked alongside the district’s administrators to make this a community-wide endeavor. RHEF reached out to Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, who secured a state grant for the project. Numerous volunteers also helped to educate the community about the need for a Performing Arts Center. When the bond came up for a vote, RHEF led the campaign to get out the vote and encourage folks to VOTE YES! The bond passed by an overwhelming majority. Our dream of a space utilized by the entire district and community for multiple purposes has been realized in the wonderful facility that graces the high school.
Total funds spent on project to date: $112,500