Robotics Team - Red Hook Education Foundation
RH early Robotics Team

Robotics Team

The Red Hook High School’s FIRST Tech robotics team, The RoboRaiders, is one of Red Hook’s superstar programs. RHEF is proud to support the RoboRaiders, as well as the LAMS FIRST Lego League team, in their efforts to learn about coding, engineering, and teamwork. The RoboRaiders have historically done extremely well, consistently making it to Regionals, and have even gone to the world competition a couple of times. With gracious professionalism, the RoboRaiders not only build amazing robots, but they also use their skills to help the community. In 2023, with RHEF funding, the team was able to purchase a computer numerical control (CNC) machine which enables them to build custom parts for the cutting edge robotof their design. (In machining, numerical control is the automated control of tools by means of a computer. It is used to operate tools such as drills, lathes, mills, grinders, routers and 3D printers.) The CNC machine will also be used for the local community by creating sensory boards for the elementary school. They are striving for the first boards to be ready by Fall 2024.

Total funds spent on project to date: $8,887