RHEF is pleased to partner with the Red Hook Association of Music Parents (RAMP) to provide financial support and assistance for music department events in Red Hook schools. RHEF provided seed funding in the amount of $1,450 to support the student musicians, teachers, staff, and volunteers who bring music to Red Hook. Funding provided meals for the 50 plus volunteers and staff that helped run the 2017 NYSSMA Solo Festival, held at Red Hook High School on March 28 and 29th. Funding will also provide meals for the 119 RHHS band and chorus members who rehearse for long hours at Bard’s Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts prior to their Spring Concert on May 19th, as well as providing financial support for an end of year picnic for the hard working musicians.
In addition to supporting the RHCSD music faculty, RAMP is working to engage parents in their children’s music education, and both raise the profile and increase accessibility of music education in the district and the community. RHEF is pleased to partner with RAMP and enhance Red Hook’s excellent music programs throughout the district.